Welcome to PharmacyRxWorld.com Terms of Service

Welcome to PharmacyRxWorld.com. These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your access to and use of PharmacyRxWorld.com (the "Site"), including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through the Site. By accessing or using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not access or use the Site. The Site is owned by Casper Rawlingson, with the postal address 30 Bank Street, West End QLD 4101, Australia. For inquiries or concerns, you may contact the owner at [email protected].

Use of the Site

The Site provides comprehensive information about medications, supplements, and disease prevention. It is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. The information provided is based on reputable sources and is updated regularly; however, PharmacyRxWorld.com does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. Users are encouraged to consult with healthcare professionals before making any health-related decisions. Users agree to use the Site solely for lawful purposes and in a way that does not infringe upon the rights of, or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the Site by, any third party.

User Responsibilities

When using PharmacyRxWorld.com, you are responsible for ensuring that all information you provide is accurate and up-to-date. You agree not to impersonate another person or entity, or falsely state your identity. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any login information associated with any account you use to access our resources. Accordingly, you are responsible for all activities that occur under your accounts.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content, layout, design, data, databases, and graphics on this website are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly allowed herein, you are not granted any license or right to use any content without the permission of the website owner or copyright owner. Copying, redistributing, republishing, or otherwise making available any content on the Site to third parties without the prior written consent of the website owner is prohibited.

Limitation of Liability

PharmacyRxWorld.com and its owners, employees, agents, and affiliates will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary loss or damages which may be incurred by you as a result of using our resources, or as a result of any changes, data loss, or corruption, cancellation, loss of access, or downtime. This limitation shall apply whether or not PharmacyRxWorld.com has been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of such damages.

Governing Law

The relationship between you and PharmacyRxWorld.com shall be governed by the laws of Australia without any regard to its conflict of law provisions and any disputes will be resolved exclusively in the courts of Australia.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Service, please contact Casper Rawlingson at [email protected] or by mail at 30 Bank Street, West End QLD 4101, Australia.


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